Queen Ann Archway of Roses Covered Dish


Extremely rare lidded dish, made in bone china by the Shelley factory in Staffordshire England. Made in the Queen Anne shape it has been hand decorated in the Archway of Roses pattern.

Marked with the green Shelley England factory stamp to base. Pattern # 11606. Reg. # 742953. 

A stunning bright white bone china Covered Dish with bright enamel paint.

Bowl measures 8 1/2″ across and 5″ high including the lid 

Excellent condition, no staining or crazing, looks unused.                                                                       

1 in stock


The collector societies for Shelley china are worldwide, from it’s 1827 inception to the close of the pottery in 1966 it’s china has been a firm favourite in homes. Based in Staffordshire, the pottery crafted thin translucent, yet strong china items in thousands of different patterns, noted by number and sometimes by name.

Shelley Collectors Club


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